Acta Hydrologica Slovaca, Vol. 16, No. TC 1, 2015, p. 3 - 12, doi:
Scientific Paper, Slovak

Zuzana Danáčová, Jana Poórová, Lotta Blaškovičová, Soňa Liová: Instrumentation for surface water quantity monitoring and discharge measurements by ADCP

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  • Besides the basic overview of technique used for monitoring of the amount and the hydrological regime of surface water, this contribution describes, how did the instruments survive during the extreme hydrological events over the past years, especially in the flood year in 2010, during the Danube flood in 2013, but also during the flash floods on the streams with monitoring stations - Handlovka, Gidra, Parná and others. It also analyzes the results of discharge measurements during these flood episodes and during the droughts in 2011 and 2012. The contribution also deals with the cooperation on cross-border streams in the area of discharge measurements, summary of joint measurements, their preparation, process and reconciliation of the results. It compares the quality of hydrometric technology in Slovakia with neighboring countries and presents a vision for the future.

    KEY WORDS: monitoring, discharge measurement, extreme flows

    - Zuzana Danáčová, Slovenský hydrometeorologický ústav, Jeséniova 17, 833 15 Bratislava, Slovenská republika (Corresponding author. Tel.:+4212 59415 404 Fax.: +4212 59415 393 Email:
    - Jana Poórová, Slovenský hydrometeorologický ústav, Jeséniova 17, 833 15 Bratislava, Slovenská republika
    - Lotta Blaškovičová, Slovenský hydrometeorologický ústav, Jeséniova 17, 833 15 Bratislava, Slovenská republika
    - Soňa Liová, Slovenský hydrometeorologický ústav, RS Žilina, Bôrická cesta 103, 011 13 Žilina, Slovenská republika


Acta Hydrologica Slovaca, Vol. 16, No. TC 1, 2015, p. 13 - 22, doi:
Scientific Paper, Slovak

Zuzana Danáčová, Lotta Blaškovičová, Ľubica Lovásová, Jana Poórová, Viliam Šimor, Peter Škoda: Hydrologic extremes: modeling and forecasting

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  • The interest of professional and laic public on hydrological drought has significant increasing trend, mainly in previous years. For setting appropriate measures in various areas, river or streams is necessary to have sufficient information and monitoring data of the hydrological regime and their evaluation. This paper considers the method for evaluation of hydrological characteristics of minimum flows.

    KEY WORDS: minimum discharge, hydrologic drought

    - Zuzana Danáčová, Slovenský hydrometeorologický ústav Jeséniova 17, 833 15 Bratislava, Slovenská republika (Corresponding author. Tel.:+4212 594 15 404 Fax.: Email:
    - Lotta Blaškovičová, Slovenský hydrometeorologický ústav Jeséniova 17, 833 15 Bratislava, Slovenská republika
    - Ľubica Lovásová, Slovenský hydrometeorologický ústav Jeséniova 17, 833 15 Bratislava, Slovenská republika
    - Jana Poórová, Slovenský hydrometeorologický ústav Jeséniova 17, 833 15 Bratislava, Slovenská republika
    - Viliam Šimor, Slovenský hydrometeorologický ústav Jeséniova 17, 833 15 Bratislava, Slovenská republika
    - Peter Škoda, Slovenský hydrometeorologický ústav Jeséniova 17, 833 15 Bratislava, Slovenská republika


Acta Hydrologica Slovaca, Vol. 16, No. TC 1, 2015, p. 23 - 30, doi:
Scientific Paper, Slovak

Lotta Blaškovičová, Katarína Melová, Zuzana Danáčová, Ľubica Lovásová, Viliam Šimor, Jana Poórová: Minimum balance discharge in relation to ecological flows

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  • Eflows (ecological flows) is a term covering the whole spectrum of discharges of hydrological regime. The changes in discharges in the streams (mostly by anthropologic influence) can cause serious consequences. This involves too small values (overexploitation of streams) as well as complete segregation of high values of discharges, which have the major effect on the channel morphology, bed structure as well as the floodplain area. This article is focused mostly on the area of low discharges in the relation to ecological flows, hydrological parameters characterizing low flows and more detail is focused on the parameter MQ (minimum balance discharge) used in Water Resource Balance, which presents one of the tools used for regulation of overexploitation of water. Presented are also the possibilities of evaluation of the management of maximum discharges.

    KEY WORDS: e-flows, minimum balance discharge, hydrological characteristics

    - Lotta Blaškovičová, Slovenský hydrometeorologický ústav Jeséniova 17, 833 15 Bratislava, Slovenská republika (Corresponding author. Tel.:02/559415 274 Fax.: 02/59415 393 Email:
    - Katarína Melová, Slovenský hydrometeorologický ústav Jeséniova 17, 833 15 Bratislava, Slovenská republika
    - Zuzana Danáčová, Slovenský hydrometeorologický ústav Jeséniova 17, 833 15 Bratislava, Slovenská republika
    - Ľubica Lovásová, Slovenský hydrometeorologický ústav Jeséniova 17, 833 15 Bratislava, Slovenská republika
    - Viliam Šimor, Slovenský hydrometeorologický ústav Jeséniova 17, 833 15 Bratislava, Slovenská republika
    - Jana Poórová, Slovenský hydrometeorologický ústav Jeséniova 17, 833 15 Bratislava


Acta Hydrologica Slovaca, Vol. 16, No. TC 1, 2015, p. 31 - 36, doi:
Scientific Paper, Slovak

Matúš Jakubis: To determination of T-year maximum discharges for watercourses in small watersheds

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  • The paper deals with the determination of T – year maximum discharges in watercourses with small water sheds: Hučava, Hutná end Kamenistý in geomorphological unit Poľana. They are compared the values of T – year maximum discharges defined by Slovak Hydrometeorological Institute (SHI) with values calculated according to Academician Dub formula. Given the different watershed areas of watercourses were compared the maximal specific runoffs qmax, N which were defined by calculation. Despite some of the same or very similar natural characteristics of the watersheds (index of hydrogeological character of the watershed, total long – term mean of annual precipitation) are the values of maximal specific runoff qmax100 defined by SHI for the water flow Hutná compared to water flows Hučava and Kamenistý significantly higher. The causes of this difference, we are trying to search in the present paper. The article briefly deals with the estimation of T – years maximum discharges by other methods,too.

    KEY WORDS: T – year maximum discharges, small watersheds, methods of determination

    - Matúš Jakubis, Technická univerzita vo Zvolene, T. G. Masaryka 24, 960 53 Zvolen, Slovenská republika (Corresponding author. Tel.:+42145 5206272 Fax.: Email:


Acta Hydrologica Slovaca, Vol. 16, No. TC 1, 2015, p. 37 - 44, doi:
Scientific Paper, Czech

Ladislav Budík, Petr Šercl, Pavel Kukla: Derivation of basic hydrological data for referential period 1981-2010

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  • Catchment area, long-term annual precipitation depth on a catchment, long term annual flow and M-day discharges belong to basic hydrological data and have always been derived for a specific reference period. Czech hydrometeorological institute (CHMI) provides basic hydrological data for any river site. Till the end of year 2012 these data had been provided for reference period 1931–1980. The need to provide more representative data taking into account changes in hydrological regime of rivers in last decades forced the hydrologists in CHMI to derive data for new reference period 1981–2010. New methodological approaches have been developed for this purpose. The most important change lays in incorporation of data causing anthropogenic affection of hydrological regime of rivers, e.g. water withdrawal, waste water draining, water reservoirs influence etc.

    KEY WORDS: basic hydrological data, long-term annual flow, M-day discharges

    - Ladislav Budík, Český hydrometeorologický ústav – Pobočka Brno, Kroftova 2578/43, 616 67 Brno, Czech Republic (Corresponding author. Tel.:+420 541 421 025 Fax.: Email:
    - Petr Šercl, Český hydrometeorologický ústav – Oddělení povrchových vod, Na Šabatce 2050/17, 143 06 Praha 412, Czech Republic
    - Pavel Kukla, Český hydrometeorologický ústav – Oddělení povrchových vod, Na Šabatce 2050/17, 143 06 Praha 412, Czech Republic


Acta Hydrologica Slovaca, Vol. 16, No. TC 1, 2015, p. 45 - 52, doi:
Scientific Paper, Slovak

Antonín Malý: Disaggregation of daily discharge series using pycnophylactic interpolation

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  • The article introduces an original method enabling to determine hourly mean discharge on the basis of daily mean discharge, alternately supplemented by the value of the single-event maximum discharge time series. The established algorithm has been the necessary prerequisite for evolving and testing the new software called PYKVEJF. This programme can be used to reconstruct selected historic flood events, determine the potential for flood waves that are likely to exceed run-off volume, or can be used for the large-scale checking of the existing discharge database. The current experience and the submmitted results show that our software – accurate, time-saving, robust, reproducible, and disponible – is a much more reliable method than SPLINEQD, the only vehicle that has so far been used by the Czech Hydrometeorological Institute (CHMI).

    KEY WORDS: time serie interpolation, run-off episode, historical flood, peak discharge, spline

    - Antonín Malý, Český hydrometeorologický ústav, pobočka Brno, Kroftova 43, 616 67 Brno, Česká republika (Corresponding author. Tel.:+420 541 421 023 Fax.: Email:


Acta Hydrologica Slovaca, Vol. 16, No. TC 1, 2015, p. 53 - 58, doi:
Scientific Paper, Slovak

Katarína Jeneiová, Silvia Kohnová, Juraj Parajka, Ján Szolgay: Detection of changes in the annual maximum discharge series in south Slovakia

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  • A rising number of extreme hydrological events created a renewed interests in the detection of changes in the long term hydrological series. The purpose of this article was to point out the changes in the trend detected in different length of the time series. Flood peak time series from the area of South Slovakia were used for the analysis. The focus was on the station 7885 Rimavska Sec. The observations in this station were available from 1921 to 2010. Homogeneity of the time series was tested. Trend was detected by modified Mann-Kendall trend test and Theil-Sen slope for moving time windows. From the results it is clear that the significance and magnitude of the detected trend changes with the length of the observation. Detection of changes therefore should not focus only on the statistical analysis of the time series but also in the identification of drivers behind the detected changes.

    KEY WORDS: change detection, peak discharges, trend

    - Katarína Jeneiová, Katedra vodného hospodárstva krajiny Stavebná fakulta Slovenskej technickej univerzity v Bratislave, Radlinského 11, 813 68 Bratislava, Slovenská republika (Corresponding author. Tel.: Fax.: Email:
    - Silvia Kohnová, Katedra vodného hospodárstva krajiny Stavebná fakulta Slovenskej technickej univerzity v Bratislave, Radlinského 11, 813 68 Bratislava, Slovenská republika
    - Juraj Parajka, Institute of Hydraulic Engineering and Water Resources Management Vienna University of Technology, Karlsplatz 13/222 A-1040 Vienna, Austria
    - Ján Szolgay, Katedra vodného hospodárstva krajiny Stavebná fakulta Slovenskej technickej univerzity v Bratislave, Radlinského 11, 813 68 Bratislava, Slovenská republika


Acta Hydrologica Slovaca, Vol. 16, No. TC 1, 2015, p. 59 - 70, doi:
Scientific Paper, Slovak

Róbert Chriašteľ, Eugen Kullman: Assessment of significant trends in ground waters in the Slovak republic

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  • Slovak Hydrometeorological Institute in cooperation with Dekonta s.r.o Bratislava Company prepared proposal of trend assessment for chemical and quantitative status of groundwater bodies in 2014. Afterwards was realized assessment of significant trends in individual groundwater bodies based on results of groundwater quality and quantity monitoring realized by Slovak Hydrometeorological Institute in 2004 – 2013. In the case of chemical status assessment, sustained and upward trends at sampling sites level were the most often classified for sulfates, chlorine and ammonia. Occurrence of sustained and upward trend at groundwater body level was identified for sulfates in groundwater body SK1000600P. In the case of quantitative status assessment, significant and sustained upward trends of groundwater balance status were documented in groundwater bodies SK200030KF, SK000900F, SK2002100P, SK2004500P, SK2005300P and SK200540FP (taking into account the values of transformed exploitable groundwater resources ) and additionally also in the groundwater body SK200170FP (taking into account values of non-transformed exploitable groundwater resources). Significant and sustained decreasing trend at groundwater quantity monitoring sites has been documented in groundwater bodies SK1001600P, SK2001800F and SK200590FP.

    KEY WORDS: groundwater, trend assessment, Water Framework Directive

    - Róbert Chriašteľ, Slovenský hydrometeorologický ústav, Zelená 5, 974 04 Banská Bystrica, Slovenská republika (Corresponding author. Tel.:+421-48-4729 654 Fax.: +421-48-4138 689 Email:
    - Eugen Kullman, Slovenský hydrometeorologický ústav, Jeséniova 17, 833 15 Bratislava, Slovenská republika


Acta Hydrologica Slovaca, Vol. 16, No. TC 1, 2015, p. 71 - 83, doi:
Scientific Paper, Slovak

Anežka Čelková: The influence of groundwater on soil salinization in the Eastern Slovak plain

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  • This paper evaluates characteristics of groundwater important for the formation and spreading of saline soils in the Eastern Slovak Plain, and determines the risk that this groundwater poses in salinization and alkalization of this soil.The 1982-2008 indices of the following environmental components in groundwater in the Eastern Slovak Plain were evaluated; the concentrations of dissolved solids (HCO3-, SO42-, Cl-, Ca2+, Mg2+, Na+ ), pH, total dissolved solids (TDS), electrical conductivity (EC), the sodium adsorption ratio values of water (SAR) and also trends in the average annual levels of the groundwater tables (HPV). The EC values ranged from 21.5 mS m-1 to 135 mS m-1, and they showed an increasing tendency in most monitored groundwaters between 1982 and 2008. This groundwater is classified as medium to highly mineralized, with a medium to high degree of danger of soil salinization. SAR values < 1,93 indicated a low risk of soil alkalization due to this groundwater, and showed decreasing tendency in most monitored groundwaters during the evaluated period. Trends for the annual average levels of groundwater tables increased in all areas, except for Somotor and Naciná Ves, in the 1982 - 2008 hydrological years.

    KEY WORDS: groundwater, EC, SAR, salinization, alkalization, Eastern Slovak Plain groundwater, EC, SAR, salinization, alkalization, Eastern Slovak Plain

    - Anežka Čelková, Ústav hydrológie SAV, Račianska 75, 831 02 Bratislava 38, Slovenská republika (Corresponding author. Tel.:+ 421 2 49268263 Fax.: Email:


Acta Hydrologica Slovaca, Vol. 16, No. TC 1, 2015, p. 84 - 93, doi:
Scientific Paper, Slovak

Viera Kováčová: Hydroecological aspects of influencing of high-mineralised groundwater

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  • The Žitný ostrov area is the most important agricultural region of Slovakia. Its utilization is determining of land character and natural envinroment. The dry and warm climate and evaporation soil water regime caused insufficient suply of crops during the growing season. In association with the rich stores of groundwater high level near the root zone in some localities constitute the potential of agricultural crops water suply. In the case if prevailing ions are neutral and alkaline sodium salts concludes to the salinization and alkalization processes very often, as result of groundwater composition, hydrogeochemical factors and anthropogenic activities. Hig-mineralised groundwater is considers as the most important aspect of soil salinization and alkalization. Localities with this risk are located fractedly on the Žitný ostrov area. These soils mark out impaired hydrophysical, physico-chemical and biological attributes.

    KEY WORDS: high-mineralised groundwater, salinization, alkalization, totall dissolved solids (TDS), electrical conductivity (EC), exchange sodium percentage (ESP), sodium adsorption ratio (SAR)

    - Viera Kováčová, Ústav hydrológie SAV, Račianska 75, 831 02 Bratislava 38, Slovenská republika (Corresponding author. Tel.:+ 421 2 49268263 Fax.: Email:


Acta Hydrologica Slovaca, Vol. 16, No. TC 1, 2015, p. 94 - 100, doi:
Scientific Paper, Slovak

Petr Dušek, Yvetta Velísková: Changes in groundwater level due to surface water level fluctuations in a lowland stream

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  • Surface water fluctuations in streams can significantly affect the groundwater level regime in the surrounding aquifer. This effect is especially prominent in lowland areas without significant heterogeneity in the geological profile. The area of interest is located in the Žitný ostrov, where a channel network was built to manage drainage and irrigation in the area, due to its very low slope. From the regional geological point of view the area is mainly built of gravel and sandy gravel fluvial sediments with high thickness, ranging from 350 to 400 meters. The selected channel Gabčíkovo-Topoľníky is one of the threemain and most in fluential channels that affect the groundwater regime. The study was done using 1D surface water modelling with output data (surface water level, discharge) used in calibrated 3D numerical solution for simulating the groundwater regime.

    KEY WORDS: surface water, groundwater, interaction, numerical simulation

    - Petr Dušek, Ústav hydrológie SAV, Račianska 75, 831 02 Bratislava, Slovenská republika (Corresponding author. Tel.:+4212 49268259 Fax.: Email:
    - Yvetta Velísková, Ústav hydrológie SAV, Račianska 75, 831 02 Bratislava, Slovenská republika


Acta Hydrologica Slovaca, Vol. 16, No. TC 1, 2015, p. 101 - 107, doi:
Scientific Paper, Slovak

Radoslav Schügerl, Yvetta Velísková, Renáta Dulovičová: Flow Tracker device application possibilities for determination of flow characteristics

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  • Paper describes application possibilities of Flow Tracker device, which is suitable for discharge measurement in a stream, but also for determination of velocity components in flowing water. The device works at two modes. One of them is so called „Discharge Mode“ and it is used for discharge determination in measured cross-section profiles, or for determination of distribution of average velocities in verticals. The second one is so called „General Mode“ which allows to measure velocity components in any measured point grid. This paper deals with basic attributes of both modes, as well as result of their practical application. For measurement was used the threedimensional probe of Flow Tracker device. (SonTek / YSI). Practical applications were performed in laboratory and also in field conditions.

    KEY WORDS: discharge measurement, Doppler principle, flow velocity profile, velocity components

    - Radoslav Schügerl, Ústav hydrológie SAV, Račianska 75, 831 02 Bratislava, Slovenská republika (Corresponding author. Tel.:+421249268259 Fax.: Email:
    - Yvetta Velísková, Ústav hydrológie SAV, Račianska 75, 831 02 Bratislava, Slovenská republika
    - Renáta Dulovičová, Ústav hydrológie SAV, Račianska 75, 831 02 Bratislava, Slovenská republika


Acta Hydrologica Slovaca, Vol. 16, No. TC 1, 2015, p. 108 - 113, doi:
Scientific Paper, Slovak

Valentín Sočuvka, Yvetta Velísková: Automated morphology monitoring of the water bodies

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  • The morphology of the water bodies are influence mainly by the geological and hydrological conditions, erosion-sedimentation processes and anthropogenic interventions into the aquatic environment. Monitoring of morphological parameters and their changes over time is one of the crucial information in the field of water research and operations. Part of a complex morphological assessment of water bodies is a hydrographic survey, which is important to evaluate reservoir capacity, rate of sedimentation, river degradation, water flow and water quality monitoring. Traditional techniques of observation are generally expensive and non effective. They also do not offer a comprehensive coverage, especially nowadays, when the requirements for environmental field studies become more and more demanding. New innovations and development of hydrographic equipment widened the scope and effectiveness of their use. Autonomous Underwater Vehicles (AUV) represents the newest trend in hydrographic survey which makes the research of water environment more accessible to scientific study. This contribution represent one of the first results of using an AUV, in Central Europe, to collect high- resolution spatial-data end water quality parameters which have been obtained in 2014 at location of reservoir Kozmálovce.

    KEY WORDS: morphology, AUV, hydrography, bathymetry

    - Valentín Sočuvka, Ústav hydrológie SAV, Račianska 75, 831 02 Bratislava, Slovenská republika (Corresponding author. Tel.:+421 948 006 249 Fax.: Email:
    - Yvetta Velísková, Ústav hydrológie SAV, Račianska 75, 831 02 Bratislava, Slovenská republika


Acta Hydrologica Slovaca, Vol. 16, No. TC 1, 2015, p. 114 - 123, doi:
Scientific Paper, Slovak

Miroslav Lukáč, Katarína Holubová: Evaluation and modelling of the Danube river channel morphological development in the section between Sap and Szob

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  • The present state of the Danube river channel in the section Sap – Szob is connected with long-term morphological development of the river channel and gradual changes, which occurred here in the course of centuries. In the frame of bilateral project DuReFlood - “Danube floodplain rehabilitation to improve flood protection and enhance the ecological values of the river in section between Sap and Szob” Danube river channel morphological development was evaluated in several time horizons: 1992-2006, 2006-2013, 1992-2013 and 2012-2013. Changes in the longitudinal slope of river channel were analyzed in relation to water level changes of characteristic discharges. Changes in the river channel volume helped to identify sections of river erosion/sedimentation. Numerical model of the Danube river channel morphological development provided prognosis of probable river channel evolution in the time horizon of 10 years. Evaluation results provided valuable information for the proposal of restoration measures and measures which focus on the flood risk decrease in the project area.

    KEY WORDS: morphological development, river channel, Danube, modelling

    - Miroslav Lukáč, Výskumný ústav vodného hospodárstva, Nábrežie arm. gen. L. Svobodu 5, 812 49 Bratislava 1, Slovenská republika (Corresponding author. Tel.: Fax.: Email:
    - Katarína Holubová, Výskumný ústav vodného hospodárstva, Nábrežie arm. gen. L. Svobodu 5, 812 49 Bratislava 1, Slovenská republika


Acta Hydrologica Slovaca, Vol. 16, No. TC 1, 2015, p. 124 - 131, doi:
Scientific Paper, Slovak

Peter Spál, Peter Rusina: Hydraulic assessment of the Jurský Stream bed capacity

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  • At the occurrence of more significant rain events in the Jurský Stream catchment, there happens the local inundation of flood water in certain sections mainly in the part where it flows through the urban area of the town Svätý Jur. In these points the river bed alternately comes through the open cross section to the closed one, while in the open parts it is locally covered by different culverts and objects which here and there relatively significantly affect its flow capacity. Therefore, the assessment of river bed capacity and determination of its problematic sections was performed in this complicated stream section. For this reason the 1D mathematical hydro-dynamical model was constructed in this part through the HEC-RAS tool, while the modelling results for different flow scenarios are published in the submitted paper.

    KEY WORDS: mathematical hydro-dynamical modelling, HEC-RAS, flow capacity

    - Peter Spál, Slovenský vodohospodársky podnik, š.p. Odštepný závod Bratislava, Karloveská 2, 842 17 Bratislava, Slovenská republika (Corresponding author. Tel.:+4212 60 292 342 (471) Fax.: Email:
    - Peter Rusina, Slovenský vodohospodársky podnik, š.p. Odštepný závod Bratislava, Karloveská 2, 842 17 Bratislava, Slovenská republika


Acta Hydrologica Slovaca, Vol. 16, No. TC 1, 2015, p. 132 - 141, doi:
Scientific Paper, Slovak

Mariana Jakubisová: Influence of flood discharges on the stability of banks of water course

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  • In the last years we are witnessing of recurrence of extreme hydrological situations with the impact of increasing the frequency of floods and related erosion impacts with influences on degradation of watercourses. Erosion damages and the subsequent loss stability of the banks of watercourses during flood discharges directly influences to enormous increase of devastating effects of floods and its harmfulness. In this paper we evaluate using a mathematical - graphical model BSTEM (Bank Stability and Toe Erosion Model) the potential erosion and bank stability in dependence on the discharge of reference profile of Železnobreznický potok in geomorphological unit Kremnické vrchy. Through of modeling we confirmed that with the increasing discharge increases erosion and decreases of bank stability.

    KEY WORDS: flood discharges, bank stability, erodibility, shear stress

    - Mariana Jakubisová, Arborétum Borová hora Technickej univerzity vo Zvolene Borovianska cesta 66, 960 53 Zvolen, Slovenská republika, Slovenská republika (Corresponding author. Tel.:+421 455 206 904 Fax.: Email:


Acta Hydrologica Slovaca, Vol. 16, No. TC 1, 2015, p. 142 - 151, doi:
Scientific Paper, English

Zbigniew Gabryś, Jerzy Grela, Ewa Laskosz, Monika Piszczek, Krysztof Wybraniec, Wojciech Bartnik, Leszek Książek: Approach to the development of investment programme of flood protection on the Dunajec river including environmental protection aspects

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  • This article discusses an approach applied in the region of the upper Vistula River for the selection of optimum investments in flood protection. It takes into account hydrological, hydraulic, social, environmental, economical and implementation aspects. In order to choose a solution, a multi-criteria analysis was used, which is based on 13 indicators that use the results of mathematical modelling of flood waves for the formulated variants compared to the current state. This method was applied for the main tributaries of the Vistula River and its results were used in the Flood Risk Management Plan for the Vistula River drainage basin, which is being currently developed. In this article, the aforementioned method will be presented on the example of the drainage area of the Dunajec River together with the Poprad River.

    KEY WORDS: flood, environmental, hydraulic modelling, multi-criteria analysis

    - Zbigniew Gabryś, MGGP S.A. Tarnów, ul. Kaczkowskiego 6 33-100 Tarnów, Poland (Corresponding author. Tel.:+48 14 626 38 90 Fax.: +48 14 626 45 39 Email:
    - Jerzy Grela, MGGP S.A. Tarnów, ul. Kaczkowskiego 6 33-100 Tarnów, Poland
    - Ewa Laskosz, MGGP S.A. Tarnów, ul. Kaczkowskiego 6 33-100 Tarnów, Poland
    - Monika Piszczek, MGGP S.A. Tarnów, ul. Kaczkowskiego 6 33-100 Tarnów, Poland
    - Krysztof Wybraniec, MGGP S.A. Tarnów, ul. Kaczkowskiego 6 33-100 Tarnów, Poland
    - Wojciech Bartnik, University of Agriculture in Cracow, Al. Mickiewicza 21, 31-120 Kraków, Poland
    - Leszek Książek, University of Agriculture in Cracow, Al. Mickiewicza 21, 31-120 Kraków, Poland


Acta Hydrologica Slovaca, Vol. 16, No. TC 1, 2015, p. 152 - 160, doi:
Scientific Paper, Slovak

Peter Valent, Marcela Maliariková, Peter Rončák, Kamila Hlavčová, Beata Randusová: Analysis of land use changes in the Myjava river basin utilizing historical maps

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  • The way a land is used has a significant impact on the hydrological processes determining the generation of flood runoff or soil erosion. The evaluation of the impacts of land use changes on these processes is one of the most active research areas in hydrology and water management. This work deals with the analysis of a land use changes in the Myjava River catchment with an outlet in Jablonica in three time horizons: 1764-1787 (I. military mapping), 1952-1957 (topographic mapping in the 1:25 000 scale) and 2010 (current land use map). In the case of the first two horizons the information about the concurrent way of land use was extracted from historical maps which were vectorised in ArcGIS environment. In order to evaluate the impact of these changes on the catchment runoff a distributed rainfall-runoff model WetSpa was used. The results showed that the most negative impacts were caused by a kopanitse colonisation in the first time horizon, when a massive deforestation took place. The simulation of catchment runoff showed that the highest and the lowest mean annual runoffs were simulated in the first and last time intervals respectively with the smallest and largest percentages of forested areas.

    KEY WORDS: vectorization of historical maps, land use change analysis, rainfall-runoff modelling, model WetSpa

    - Peter Valent, Katedra vodného hospodárstva krajiny, Stavebná fakulta Slovenskej technickej univerzity v Bratislave Radlinského 11, 810 05 Bratislava, Slovenská republika (Corresponding author. Tel.: Fax.: Email:
    - Marcela Maliariková, Katedra vodného hospodárstva krajiny, Stavebná fakulta Slovenskej technickej univerzity v Bratislave Radlinského 11, 810 05 Bratislava, Slovenská republika
    - Peter Rončák, Katedra vodného hospodárstva krajiny, Stavebná fakulta Slovenskej technickej univerzity v Bratislave Radlinského 11, 810 05 Bratislava, Slovenská republika
    - Kamila Hlavčová, Katedra vodného hospodárstva krajiny, Stavebná fakulta Slovenskej technickej univerzity v Bratislave Radlinského 11, 810 05 Bratislava, Slovenská republika
    - Beata Randusová, Katedra vodného hospodárstva krajiny, Stavebná fakulta Slovenskej technickej univerzity v Bratislave Radlinského 11, 810 05 Bratislava, Slovenská republika


Acta Hydrologica Slovaca, Vol. 16, No. TC 1, 2015, p. 161 - 166, doi:
Scientific Paper, Slovak

Beata Randusová, Romana Marková, Kamila Hlavčová, Silvia Kohnová: Parametrisation of the SCS-CN method on the Myjava catchment

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  • Curve number method (SCS - CN) for calculation of direct runoff from small watersheds was developed for the agricultural areas in the United States.Parameters of the method, initial abstract coefficient (lambda) and curve number (CN), as proposed by the original methodology developed by the US Soil Protection (NRCS - SCS) are questionable and therefore, for more reliable runoff determination, it is necessary to calibrate them on real rainfall-runoff datasets. In this study, we applied the SCS-CN method on the upper parts of the Myjava River basin. The aim was to test the relationship between rainfall and direct runoff and adapt (regionalise) the method to conditions of the upper catchment of the Myjava River. Based on the rainfall-runoff data for the period 1989-2013 new empiracal curves and variable initial abstraction coefficient lambda were derived. For the analyzed- catchment it is preferable to use the optimized lambda and CN witch have been derived from empirical data and represent the rainfall-runoff relationship better than the original parameters of the SCS-CN method.

    KEY WORDS: SCS-CN method, direct runoff, initial abstraction coefficient lambda

    - Beata Randusová, Katedra vodného hospodárstva krajiny, Stavebná fakulta Slovenskej technickej univerzity v Bratislave Radlinského 11, 810 05 Bratislava, Slovenská republika (Corresponding author. Tel.: Fax.: Email:
    - Romana Marková, Katedra vodného hospodárstva krajiny, Stavebná fakulta Slovenskej technickej univerzity v Bratislave Radlinského 11, 810 05 Bratislava, Slovenská republika
    - Kamila Hlavčová, Katedra vodného hospodárstva krajiny, Stavebná fakulta Slovenskej technickej univerzity v Bratislave Radlinského 11, 810 05 Bratislava, Slovenská republika
    - Silvia Kohnová, Katedra vodného hospodárstva krajiny, Stavebná fakulta Slovenskej technickej univerzity v Bratislave Radlinského 11, 810 05 Bratislava, Slovenská republika


Acta Hydrologica Slovaca, Vol. 16, No. TC 1, 2015, p. 167 - 175, doi:
Scientific Paper, Slovak

Michaela Danáčová, Radovan Nosko, Roman Výleta, Beata Randusová, Ján Szolgay: Possibilities of estimating the gully erosion changes on the Myjava basin

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  • Development of small rural settlements, intensive deforestation, enlarging of arable lands and creating large blocks of cooperative fields have contributed to changes in the current landscape of the Myjava river basin. Due to these changes the Myjava Hill land has extraordinarily appropriate conditions for the formation of quick runoff processes, intensive soil erosion and related muddy floods. When muddy floods occur water is flowing from agricultural fields and carrying large quantities of soil. Negative effect of muddy floods is an accumulation of eroded material on roads, in river channels or water reservoirs. Intensive erosion activity of concentrated runoff on slopes creates suitable conditions for formation of permanent and preliminary gullies. The paper presents a possibility to estimate development of rill erosion on the example of selected permanent gully in the locality of Turá Lúka. Development of the gully and its changes over time were evaluated on the basis of historical and orto photo maps. An emphasis has been put on the changes in the length, area and the position of the gully in different periods.

    KEY WORDS: soil erosion, historical maps, changes in the gully erosion, in Myjava river basin

    - Michaela Danáčová, Katedra vodného hospodárstva krajiny, Stavebná fakulta Slovenskej technickej univerzity v Bratislave, Radlinského 11, 810 05 Bratislava, Slovenská republika (Corresponding author. Tel.: Fax.: Email:
    - Radovan Nosko, Katedra vodného hospodárstva krajiny, Stavebná fakulta Slovenskej technickej univerzity v Bratislave, Radlinského 11, 810 05 Bratislava, Slovenská republika
    - Roman Výleta, Katedra vodného hospodárstva krajiny, Stavebná fakulta Slovenskej technickej univerzity v Bratislave, Radlinského 11, 810 05 Bratislava, Slovenská republika
    - Beata Randusová, Katedra vodného hospodárstva krajiny, Stavebná fakulta Slovenskej technickej univerzity v Bratislave, Radlinského 11, 810 05 Bratislava, Slovenská republika
    - Ján Szolgay, Katedra vodného hospodárstva krajiny, Stavebná fakulta Slovenskej technickej univerzity v Bratislave, Radlinského 11, 810 05 Bratislava, Slovenská republika


Acta Hydrologica Slovaca, Vol. 16, No. TC 1, 2015, p. 176 - 183, doi:
Scientific Paper, Slovak

Zuzana Studvová, Kamila Hlavčová, Katarína Kotríková, Veronika Morvayová: Evaluating effectiveness of erosion control on the selected area in the Myjava basin

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  • This paper focuses on the assessment of the intensity of soil erosion by water and the subsequent design of suitable erosion control measures on the selected areas in the Myjava catchment. For the analysis of soil loss and sediment transport on the Svacenický Creek basin the Universal Soil Loss Equation and the USLE 2D with the SDR model were applied. Because the resulting values of the soil loss exceeded values of tolerance soil loss the erosion control measure by strip cropping was designed. Strip cropping is based on altering the crop strips with protective (infiltration) strips. Effectiveness of protective (infiltration) strips for reducing runoff from the basin by the SCS-CN method was estimated, too. For two alternatives of strip cropping the decrease of sediment transport from the Svacenický Creek was analysed.

    KEY WORDS: soil erosion by water, Universal Soil Loss Equation, USLE 2D, strip cropping

    - Zuzana Studvová, Katedra vodného hospodárstva krajiny, Stavebná fakulta Slovenskej technickej univerzity v Bratislave, Radlinského 11, 810 05 Bratislava, Slovenská republika (Corresponding author. Tel.: Fax.: Email:
    - Kamila Hlavčová, Katedra vodného hospodárstva krajiny, Stavebná fakulta Slovenskej technickej univerzity v Bratislave, Radlinského 11, 810 05 Bratislava, Slovenská republika
    - Katarína Kotríková, Katedra vodného hospodárstva krajiny, Stavebná fakulta Slovenskej technickej univerzity v Bratislave, Radlinského 11, 810 05 Bratislava, Slovenská republika
    - Veronika Morvayová, Katedra vodného hospodárstva krajiny, Stavebná fakulta Slovenskej technickej univerzity v Bratislave, Radlinského 11, 810 05 Bratislava, Slovenská republika


Acta Hydrologica Slovaca, Vol. 16, No. TC 1, 2015, p. 184 - 189, doi:
Scientific Paper, Slovak

Karolína Zechelová, Zuzana Ďurecová, Silvia Kohnová: Testing changes in trends and scaling exponents of short-term rainfall at the Hurbanovo station

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  • The aim of the present study was to test changes in trends and scaling exponents of short term rainfall in the warm season for the various durations at the climatological Hurbanovo station with observation from 1961 to 2009. The trends were estimated for the intensities of rainfall in the months of April to October and for the whole warm season. To analyze the significance the nonparametric Mann-Kendall test was applied (Kendall, 1975). In the next step the simple scaling methodology to derived scaling exponents for the whole observation period (1961 - 2009) and shortened the observation period (1961-1990; 1990-2009) was used. Finally, we compared the changes in trends of rainfall intensities and their scaling exponents for analyzed periods, and discussed their impact on design values estimation.

    KEY WORDS: trends of rainfall intensities, simple scaling of rainfall, scaling exponents

    - Karolína Zechelová, Katedra vodného hospodárstva krajiny, Stavebná fakulta Slovenskej technickej univerzity v Bratislave Radlinského 11, 813 68 Bratislava, Slovenská republika (Corresponding author. Tel.: Fax.: Email:
    - Zuzana Ďurecová, Katedra vodného hospodárstva krajiny, Stavebná fakulta Slovenskej technickej univerzity v Bratislave Radlinského 11, 813 68 Bratislava, Slovenská republika
    - Silvia Kohnová, Katedra vodného hospodárstva krajiny, Stavebná fakulta Slovenskej technickej univerzity v Bratislave Radlinského 11, 813 68 Bratislava, Slovenská republika


Acta Hydrologica Slovaca, Vol. 16, No. TC 1, 2015, p. 190 - 198, doi:
Scientific Paper, Slovak

Marcin Wdowikowski, Bartosz Kaźmierczak: Comparison of methods to select the maximum values to develop a mathematical model of extremely high rainfall in the river basin

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  • The scope of this study was to indicate difference in developed probabilistic models for maximum rainfall in Kaczawa river basin, based on a 50-year series of pluviographic records chosen with AMP and POT criterion. To describe the measurement data there were used Gamma, Generalized Exponential (GED), Gumbel, Log-normal and Weibull distributions. Estimators of parameters for particular distributions were developed using maximum likelihood method. Conformity of the analyzed theoretical distributions with measured data was inspected using the Anderson-Darling test (A2), while choosing the best distribution was made using bayesian information criterion of Schwartz and also by the relative residual mean square error (RRMSE).

    KEY WORDS: maximum rainfall, probabilistic distributions, river basin

    - Marcin Wdowikowski, Institute of Meteorology and Water Management - National Research Institute, Hydrological Forecasting Office in Wrocław ul. Parkowa 30, 51-616 Wrocław, Poland (Corresponding author. Tel.:+48 71 320 0142 Fax.: +48 71 348 7997 Email:
    - Bartosz Kaźmierczak, Wroclaw University of Technology, Faculty of Environmental Engineering, Wybrzeże S. Wyspiańskiego 27, 50-370 Wrocław, Poland


Acta Hydrologica Slovaca, Vol. 16, No. TC 1, 2015, p. 199 - 207, doi:
Scientific Paper, English

Ondrej Ledvinka: Nonstationarities in technical precipitation series in Czechia

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  • Under the proper consideration of climate change one cannot rely on the stationarity of the series fed to a hydrological model. Modelling should rather be based on the assumption of nonstationarity with appropriate discrimination between deterministic and stochastic trends in the series. Although some works regarding the identification of trends in precipitation across the entire territory of Czechia were undertaken, they primarily accounted for the deterministic and linear relationships only. What is more, the results in many former studies inevitably had to be biased due to missing values and inhomogeneities introduced during measurements. In the present paper, trends in 268 complete and homogeneous precipitation series from Czechia spanning from 1961 to 2012 are detected by means of several statistical techniques. Subsequently, places with different kinds of nonstationarities are determined.

    KEY WORDS: trends, Hurst exponent, unit root testing, seasonality, rainfall

    - Ondrej Ledvinka, Hydrological Database & Water Balance, Czech Hydrometeorological Institute Na Sabatce 2050/17, 143 06 Prague 412, Czech Republic (Corresponding author. Tel.:+420 24403 2364 Fax.: +420 24403 2342 Email:


Acta Hydrologica Slovaca, Vol. 16, No. TC 1, 2015, p. 208 - 216, doi:
Scientific Paper, English

, Ondřej Matějka, Hana Pevná, Hana Pevná: Snow accumulation and ablation in three forested mountain catchments

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  • The study was focused on vegetation and topography effects on snow accumulation and ablation, with special interest in the role of the forest affected by the bark beetle (Ips typographus). We selected eight predictors related to winter meteorological conditions and the character of specific localities. The vegetation structure was described using parameters calculated from hemispherical photographs. The degree-day approach was used to calculate melt factors for sites with different vegetation and aspects. Multiple regression was further applied using snow water equivalent (SWE) data measured at 47 localities in winter seasons from 2010 to 2014. The SWE in forest sites was by 32% lower than in open areas. The snow ablation in large openings was on average more than two times faster compared to forest sites. Snow ablation was by 33% faster after forest defoliation (due to the bark beetle) and we expect even faster ablation in case of complete forest decline. The results indicated that topography is more important predictor for open areas, while leaf area index is more important for forest sites. Despite the significance of the correlations found, parameters applied in this study could only partly explain the snowpack variability.

    KEY WORDS: bark beetle; degree-day; leaf area index; snowpack variability; snow accumulation and ablation

    - Michal Jeníček, - Ondřej Matějka, Department of Physical Geography and Geoecology, Faculty of Science, Charles University in Prague Albertov 6, 128 43 Prague, Czech Republic
    - Hana Pevná, Department of Physical Geography and Geoecology, Faculty of Science, Charles University in Prague Albertov 6, 128 43 Prague, Czech Republic
    - Hana Pevná, Department of Geography University of Zurich, Winterthurerstrasse 190, 8057 Zurich, Switzerland


Acta Hydrologica Slovaca, Vol. 16, No. TC 1, 2015, p. 217 - 226, doi:
Scientific Paper, Slovak

Dana Halmová, Pavla Pekárová, Pavol Miklánek, Veronika Bačová Mitková: Reaction of the daily discharge at Belá-Podbanské to snow melt in the basin

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  • The increase of air temperature has been observed at majority of the meteorological stations all over the world during the last decades. Some of the meteorological stations with long observation series are influenced by urbanization and changing conditions of the air temperature monitoring. In the paper we analysed the air temperature development in stations Podbanské and Kasprowy Wierch using the non-parametric Mann-Kendall test. In the second part we tried to confirm or reject the hypothesis about the increase of air temperature during the spring season in the high mountain river basin of the river Belá station Podbanské by the new method. The method is simple and it is based on identification of the Julian day at which the discharge increase at the station can be assigned to snow melt in the river basin upstream. We were analyzing the mean daily discharge series at Belá – Podbanské for the period 1928–2014. We are assuming that the supposed increase of the spring air temperature in the Belá basin should be proven by earlier arrival of the snow melt in the basin. Therefore the discharge increase due to snow melt should occur earlier. The series were divided into sub-periods: 44- and 43-years (1928–1971, 1972–2014), and three of 22-years plus one of 21-years (1928–1949, 1950– 1971, 1972–1993 and 1994–2014), in order to prove if there did occur significant shift of the Julian day when the discharge starts to react to the basin snow melt.

    KEY WORDS: snow melting, air temperature, trend analysis

    - Dana Halmová, Ústav hydrológie SAV, Račianska 75, 831 02 Bratislava, Slovenská republika (Corresponding author. Tel.:44259311 Fax.: Email:
    - Pavla Pekárová, Ústav hydrológie SAV, Račianska 75, 831 02 Bratislava, Slovenská republika
    - Pavol Miklánek, Ústav hydrológie SAV, Račianska 75, 831 02 Bratislava, Slovenská republika
    - Veronika Bačová Mitková, Ústav hydrológie SAV, Račianska 75, 831 02 Bratislava, Slovenská republika


Acta Hydrologica Slovaca, Vol. 16, No. TC 1, 2015, p. 227 - 234, doi:
Scientific Paper, Slovak

Michal Danko, Ladislav Holko, Zdeněk Kostka, Pavel Krajčí, Jozef Hlavčo: Long-term simulation of snow water equivalent in mountain catchment using MIKE SHE / MIKE 11

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  • The paper presents the results of spatial simulation snow water equivalent for mountainous Jalovecký creek basin using a distributed hydrological model MIKE SHE / MIKE 11. Model calibration was focused on the discharge in outlet profile and the snow water equivalent for 10 locations where the measurements of snow cover in the open area as well as in forested sites were performed. 26-year period (1989-2014) was chosen for simulation in daily step. The model sufficiently simulates snow water equivalent measured at locations at different altitudes. Simulated snowmelt rate ranged from 358 mm (Winter 1991) to 850 mm (Winter 2005). The simulated evaporation of snow ranged from 41 mm to 117 mm for the winter. Simulated snowfall was on average about 45% of total precipitation. Simulated total evapotranspiration of the basin ranged on average around 39%.

    KEY WORDS: MIKE SHE, distributed hydrological model, snow, long-term, mountain catchment

    - Michal Danko, Ústav hydrológie SAV, Experimentálna hydrologická základňa, Ondrašovecká 16, 03105 Liptovský Mikuláš, Slovenská republika (Corresponding author. Tel.:+421445522522 Fax.: Email:
    - Ladislav Holko, Ústav hydrológie SAV, Experimentálna hydrologická základňa, Ondrašovecká 16, 03105 Liptovský Mikuláš, Slovenská republika
    - Zdeněk Kostka, Ústav hydrológie SAV, Experimentálna hydrologická základňa, Ondrašovecká 16, 03105 Liptovský Mikuláš, Slovenská republika
    - Pavel Krajčí, Ústav hydrológie SAV, Experimentálna hydrologická základňa, Ondrašovecká 16, 03105 Liptovský Mikuláš, Slovenská republika
    - Jozef Hlavčo, Ústav hydrológie SAV, Experimentálna hydrologická základňa, Ondrašovecká 16, 03105 Liptovský Mikuláš, Slovenská republika


Acta Hydrologica Slovaca, Vol. 16, No. TC 1, 2015, p. 235 - 244, doi:
Scientific Paper, Slovak

Roman Výleta, Katarína Kotríková, Peter Valent, Ján Szolgay, Viliam Szász: The modelling of snow water equivalent using a spatially semi-distibuted model of the catchment

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  • The snow cover is in our latitude an important water management factor. The winter precipitations are accumulated in the catchment throughout the first to the fifth winter months and are subsequently in a very short time released back to the catchment which has a significant impact on the quantity but also quality of the water cycle process. From the water management point of view the impact of the snow cover is significant mainly during the spring season when it’s melting causes that in the terms of the interannual distribution of flows most our catchments have their maximums during this period. That is why the modelling of the snow water equivalent is an inseparable part of rainfall-runoff models. The main objective of this work is to study the impact of the distribution of the inputs of the rainfall-runoff model on the quality of the simulation of snow water equivalent and catchment runoff. A conceptual semi-distributed rainfall-runoff model was used in order to model the snow water equivalent in a daily time step. In order to calibrate and validate the model a multi-calibration techniques were used taking into account both runoff from the catchment and the observed values of the snow water equivalents in elevation and vegetation zones.

    KEY WORDS: snow water equivalent, semi-distributed modelling, multi-objective calibration

    - Roman Výleta, Katedra vodného hospodárstva krajiny Stavebná fakulta STU, Radlinského 11, 810 05 Bratislava, Slovenská republika (Corresponding author. Tel.:+4212 59274 498 Fax.: +4212 52923 575 Email:
    - Katarína Kotríková, Katedra vodného hospodárstva krajiny Stavebná fakulta STU, Radlinského 11, 810 05 Bratislava, Slovenská republika
    - Peter Valent, Katedra vodného hospodárstva krajiny Stavebná fakulta STU, Radlinského 11, 810 05 Bratislava, Slovenská republika
    - Ján Szolgay, Katedra vodného hospodárstva krajiny Stavebná fakulta STU, Radlinského 11, 810 05 Bratislava, Slovenská republika
    - Viliam Szász, Katedra vodného hospodárstva krajiny Stavebná fakulta STU, Radlinského 11, 810 05 Bratislava, Slovenská republika


Acta Hydrologica Slovaca, Vol. 16, No. TC 1, 2015, p. 245 - 251, doi:
Scientific Paper, Slovak

Pavel Kovář, Hana Bačinová, Jana Šimková: Fourier series model for estimating the impact of evapotranspiration on runoff in small catchments in dry periods

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  • Catchments can be considered as dynamic systems where evapotranspiration data can be assessed either from the measurement of climate-meteorology output data (i.e. Penman- Monteith data) or from the measurement of the high resolution streamflow fluctuation and free water evaporation. The latter is our case study. Discharge measurement in dry periods has a trend of a catchment depletion curve which diurnally provides the Fourier expansion. Its properties are known from the theory of goniometric and orthogonal curves. Their harmonic coefficients hold not only for rainfall-runoff but also for evapotranspiration-runoff relations. The Fourier model can be applied also for missing records (in case of measurement collapses) and if both free water evaporation and soil moisture content data are available, then the actual evapotranspiration data can be assessed.

    KEY WORDS: Fourier series inversion, periodic functions, catchment depletion curves, high resolution sensing

    - Pavel Kovář, FZP, ČZU v Praze, Katedra biotechnických úprav krajiny Kamýcká 129, Praha 6 – Suchdol, 165 21, Česká republika (Corresponding author. Tel.:+420 224 382 148 Fax.: Email:
    - Hana Bačinová, FZP, ČZU v Praze, Katedra biotechnických úprav krajiny Kamýcká 129, Praha 6 – Suchdol, 165 21, Česká republika
    - Jana Šimková, FZP, ČZU v Praze, Katedra biotechnických úprav krajiny Kamýcká 129, Praha 6 – Suchdol, 165 21, Česká republika


Acta Hydrologica Slovaca, Vol. 16, No. TC 1, 2015, p. 252 - 259, doi:
Scientific Paper, Czech

Václav Královec, Zdeněk Kliment, Lukáš Vlček: Influence of soil matrix and different land use on the runoff process in the experimental catchments Zbytiny

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  • The study deals with the evaluation of runoff response in two paired experimental catchments in headwater area of Blanice river in the Šumava Mts., which differ primarily in land and soil cover. Rainfall-runoff relationships and differences in runoff responses of both catchments were observed from three points of view: i/ on the basis of average balance characteristics and the rate of runoff variability, ii/ on the analysis of chosen rainfall-runoff events, iii/ according to the hydropedological characteristics and retention capacity of catchment. Generally, catchments differ mainly in long-term runoff characteristics, during rainfall-runoff events the differences decrease. Soil cover is in both catchments rather heterogeneous and water retention of catchment is largely dependent on hydropedological properties of individual soil types and horizons and actual groundwater level.

    KEY WORDS: paired catchment research, hydrological balance, rainfall-runoff process, land and soil cover, water retention

    - Václav Královec, UK v Praze, Přírodovědecká fakulta, Katedra fyzické geografie a geoekologie Albertov 6, 128 43 Praha 2, Česká republika (Corresponding author. Tel.:221 951 374 Fax.: Email:
    - Zdeněk Kliment, UK v Praze, Přírodovědecká fakulta, Katedra fyzické geografie a geoekologie Albertov 6, 128 43 Praha 2, Česká republika
    - Lukáš Vlček, UK v Praze, Přírodovědecká fakulta, Katedra fyzické geografie a geoekologie Albertov 6, 128 43 Praha 2, Česká republika


Acta Hydrologica Slovaca, Vol. 16, No. TC 1, 2015, p. 260 - 266, doi:
Scientific Paper, Slovak

Katarína Brezianská, Justína Vitková: Analyse of periods without precipitation and their influence on soil water storage at Záhorska lowland

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  • Variability in rainfall timing during the year takes affects on uneven vegetation cover water supply for the unsaturated soil zone. One of the possible parameter quantifying the distribution of rainfall on the area of interest is the length of time period without precipitation. Critical time distance between rainfall periods corresponds to a state where average moisture level in soil profile for mentioned period decreases (ie. its corresponding water supply) to hydrolimit wilting point, which represents destructive border for the vegetation cover. This article deals with determining the time period without rainfall that occurred between 1961-2010 for the Záhorie lowlands region. There are also analyses of soil water provided with respect to the occurrence of time period without precipitation (period between 2009 and 2010), when a monitoring of soil moisture took place at the Kostolište site.

    KEY WORDS: period without precipitation, drought, soil water storage

    - Katarína Brezianská, Ústav hydrológie SAV, Račianska 75, 831 02 Bratislava, Slovenská republika (Corresponding author. Tel.: Fax.: Email:
    - Justína Vitková, Ústav hydrológie SAV, Račianska 75, 831 02 Bratislava, Slovenská republika


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