Acta Hydrologica Slovaca, Vol. 15, No. TC, 2014, p. 3 - 12, doi:
Scientific Paper, Slovak

Pavla Pekárová, Pavol Miklánek: Flash flood on 21. 07. 2014 in the Vrátna valley

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  • A catastrophic flood on 21. 7. 2014 in the Vrátna Valley in the Mala Fatra National Park on the stream of Varínka, and in Terchová village reminded us once again the power of water flux. Since the floods of 20. 7. 1998 on Malá Svinka stream, there occurred several flash floods in Slovakia, and there are suggestions that their number is growing. Answer to the question, whether the currently flooding in our area actually occurs more frequently than in the past, has been focused for several years at our institute. By studying historical materials, we came to the conclusion that in the past there also occurred devastating floods in our territory, which had disastrous consequences for the population. For example, in August 2013, 200 years passed since the most destructive floods, which in August 1813 affected the whole Slovakia, northern Moravia, and southern Poland. Neither the 2010 flood withstood the flood of 1813. Economic development in Slovakia after 1813 was halted for decades.

    KEY WORDS: flash flood, Vrátna Valley

    - Pavla Pekárová, Ústav hydrológie SAV, Račianska 75, 831 02 Bratislava, Slovenská republika (Corresponding author. Tel.: Fax.: Email:
    - Pavol Miklánek, Ústav hydrológie SAV, Račianska 75, 831 02 Bratislava, Slovenská republika


Acta Hydrologica Slovaca, Vol. 15, No. TC, 2014, p. 13 - 21, doi:
Scientific Paper, Slovak

Branislav Pramuk, Pavla Pekárová: Identification of Danube flood regime changes at selected gauging stations

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  • This paper is focused on evaluation of changes in the number, duration time and size of high flows flood waves of the Danube River. For analysis of flows there were used data series of the daily discharges of the Danube River (Project No. 9 IHP UNESCO – Flood regime of rivers in the Danube river basin). In this paper the results from four selected stations on Danube River are presented: Achleiten, Bratislava, Orsova and Reni, with long series of observations. For evaluation of flows statistical software IHA (Indicators of Hydrological Alternations) was used. Software can be meaningful only with long series of input data. Our results confirm that average annual discharges of the Danube river have for long term same value, without marked changes. However there were found the increase of the flood frequency occurrence, but – on the other side – there were found the proportional reduction of their duration. The speed of the fall and the rise rate of the Danube flood waves is increasing.

    KEY WORDS: Danube River, statistical analysis of discharges, IHA software

    - Branislav Pramuk, Ústav hydrológie SAV, Račianska 75, 831 02 Bratislava, Slovenská republika (Corresponding author. Tel.: Fax.: Email:
    - Pavla Pekárová, Ústav hydrológie SAV, Račianska 75, 831 02 Bratislava, Slovenská republika


Acta Hydrologica Slovaca, Vol. 15, No. TC, 2014, p. 22 - 29, doi:
Scientific Paper, Slovak

Veronika Bačová Mitková: Change of regression relations of water levels on the Danube River between Bratislava and Kienstock

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  • Natural water circulation is more often influenced or disrupted by anthropogenic activities in river basins. Therefore monitoring and evaluation of extreme hydrological phenomena in the form of floods or droughts using various methods and models is very timely. The consequence of such interventions may also accelerate the travel time of flood waves or decrease transformation capacities of the channel and floodplains, which could result to an increase of water levels corresponding to the same flood flow than in the past. The paper is focused on the study and analysis of the changes in water levels on the Danube River in Bratislava based on the water levels in the Danube River gauge station Kienstock. To illustrate changes in water levels on the Danube in Bratislava profile the simple regression relationships that allow assigning the water levels of one or more upper stations, water level in the lower station were used. The method of multiple regression analysis in forecasting practice used to derive the relations between states and peak flow rates and to derive formulas for calculation during the flood wave. Studied period of 1991- 2013 included one or three hour measured water levels of the Danube River in Bratislava and Kienstock.

    KEY WORDS: the Danube River, Bratislava, Kienstock, water level, flood, regression, water level changes

    - Veronika Bačová Mitková, Institute of Hydrology SAS, Račianska 75, 838 11 Bratislava 38, Slovak Republic (Corresponding author. Tel.: Fax.: Email:


Acta Hydrologica Slovaca, Vol. 15, No. TC, 2014, p. 30 - 41, doi:
Scientific Paper, Slovak

Veronika Bačová Mitková, Dana Halmová: Coincidence of maximum discharges: Case study on the Morava River

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  • The paper presents bivariate frequency analysis of the maximum discharges (Qmax) of flood waves synchronous occurred on mainstream and its tributary. We analyzed the daily discharges records, from 1969 to 2011, on the Morava River and its left tributary the Myjava River. As a mathematical method for determining a joint probability of two dependent variables copula functions were used. Finally joint return periods and conditional return periods of the maximum synchronous discharges (Qmax) were calculated. Results of the analysis provide comprehensive information how the hydrological characteristics may affect the size and course of extreme hydrological situations.

    KEY WORDS: joint distribution, copula function, joint return period and conditional return period

    - Veronika Bačová Mitková, Ústav hydrológie SAV, Račianska 75, 83102 Bratislava, Slovenská republika (Corresponding author. Tel.: Fax.: Email:
    - Dana Halmová, Ústav hydrológie SAV, Račianska 75, 83102 Bratislava, Slovenská republika


Acta Hydrologica Slovaca, Vol. 15, No. TC, 2014, p. 42 - 53, doi:
Scientific Paper, Slovak

Michaela Danáčová, Lenka Papinčáková, Ján Szolgay: Comparison of changes in the transformation flood waves by using multilinear routing model on the Danube River

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  • In the study the comparison of changes in the transformation flood waves by multilinear routing was performed. A multi-linear flood routing model, based on the state space representation of the classical scheme Kalinin - Miljukov model, has been set up. The model consists of a series of linear sub-models considered as valid for different intervals of discharges. The time distribution scheme of model inputs was employed in the setup of the multilinear model on the Danube River. The relationship between travel time of peak discharges and the discharge was analysed for the flow conditions before and after the completion of the Gabčíkovo hydropower scheme. The shape and parameters of that model were fitted by optimisation of the multilinear model performance on a selected floods wave with the help of a harmony search. The modelling results showed that the inclusion of empirical information on the variability of the travel-time with discharge even from flood enables satisfactory accuracy for the prediction of the flood propagation process.

    KEY WORDS: travel time, harmony search, Danube River

    - Michaela Danáčová, Katedra vodného hospodárstva krajiny, Stavebná fakulta STU, Radlinského 11, 813 68 Bratislava, Slovenská republika (Corresponding author. Tel.:+ 421 2 59274 498 Fax.: + 421 2 52923 575 Email:
    - Lenka Papinčáková, Katedra vodného hospodárstva krajiny, Stavebná fakulta STU, Radlinského 11, 813 68 Bratislava, Slovenská republika
    - Ján Szolgay, Katedra vodného hospodárstva krajiny, Stavebná fakulta STU, Radlinského 11, 813 68 Bratislava, Slovenská republika


Acta Hydrologica Slovaca, Vol. 15, No. TC, 2014, p. 54 - 63, doi:
Scientific Paper, Slovak

Beáta Hamar Zsideková, Silvia Kohnová, Kamila Hlavčová: Temporal changes of simulated snow water equivalent

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  • This paper is devoted to detecting changes in snow water equivalent in the Upper Hron - Banska Bystrica and upper Váh - Liptovsky Mikulas River basins. Outputs from regional climate models Remo 5.7 and Aladin - Climate for horizons 2021-2050 and 2100 2071 in a daily time step were used as inputs to hydrological modeling of snow water equivalent on selected catchments using the conceptual rainfall - runoff model Hron. To detect changes of the simulated snow water equivalent in the future decades trend analysis and nonparametric Mann - Kendall test were applied.

    KEY WORDS: rainfall - runoff modeling, regional climate models, trend analysis, Mann – Kendall test

    - Beáta Hamar Zsideková, Katedra vodného hospodárstva krajiny, Stavebná fakulta STU, Radlinského 11, 813 68 Bratislava, Slovenská republika (Corresponding author. Tel.: Fax.: Email:
    - Silvia Kohnová, Katedra vodného hospodárstva krajiny, Stavebná fakulta STU, Radlinského 11, 813 68 Bratislava, Slovenská republika
    - Kamila Hlavčová, Katedra vodného hospodárstva krajiny, Stavebná fakulta STU, Radlinského 11, 813 68 Bratislava, Slovenská republika


Acta Hydrologica Slovaca, Vol. 15, No. TC, 2014, p. 64 - 72, doi:
Scientific Paper, Slovak

Milan Onderka, Stefan Banzhaf, Marek Rodný: Seepage velocities in streambed sediments derived from thermal records

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  • The main objective of this study was to use continuous wavelet analysis as a band-pass filter for non-stationary time series of temperature records. It was demonstrated that this new processing technique is efficient in calculating seepage velocities from field data measured in the Mess Stream, Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, Europe. Temperature time series were measured continuously over a two-year period in the streambed sediments. The seepage velocity was derived from the one-dimensional analytical solution of Stallman. We introduce the continuous wavelet transform (CWT) as a band-pass filter to extract the daily component from raw temperature data. For the analysed time series, the estimated seepage velocities based on the amplitude ratio were always negative and within the range of -0.7 to -2.5 m d-1, indicating gaining conditions prevailing in the Mess Stream. The uncertainty associated with the seepage velocities was calculated by the Monte Carlo analysis allowing several physical parameters of the model to vary over pre-defined intervals with normal distribution.

    KEY WORDS: hyporheic zone, seepage velocities, continuous wavelet transform

    - Milan Onderka, Výskumný ústav vodného hospodárstva, Nábrežie arm. gen. L Svobodu 5, 812 49 Bratislava, Slovenská republika (Corresponding author. Tel.: Fax.: Email:
    - Stefan Banzhaf, University of Gothenburg, Department of Earth Sciences, SE40530 Göteborg, Sweden
    - Marek Rodný, Ústav hydrológie SAV Račianska 75 , 831 02 Bratislava, Slovenská republika


Acta Hydrologica Slovaca, Vol. 15, No. TC, 2014, p. 73 - 78, doi:
Scientific Paper, Slovak

Valentín Sočuvka, Yvetta Velísková: Determination of the thickness and volume of the bottom sediments by acoustic method and electrical resistivity tomography

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  • Composition, thickness and volume of bottom sediments accumulated in bodies of water surface (rivers and reservoirs) indicates ecological status of the territory in terms of anthropogenic activities and also in terms of erosion processes in the river basin. To deal with this issue it is necessary to know all details which are describing the clogging geometry, physical structure, biological structure and grain-size composition of each sediment layer. These information currently represent an increasingly important information for many applications in the fields of hydrology, geology, geomorphology, as well as water management. Acquisition and interpretation of data represents a complex process which is time consuming and requires sophisticated instruments, equipment and logistics. One of the consequences of this is a small amount of available information, which are additionally very often incomplete or encumbered with large deviations. Application of new hydrographic and geophysical methods in the field of water engineering, allows us to obtain this knowledge more efficiently, faster and with relatively high precision.

    KEY WORDS: bottom sediment, bathymetry, geophysical survey, hydrographic survey, accumulation volume change objemu

    - Valentín Sočuvka, Ústav hydrológie SAV, Račianska 75, 831 02 Bratislava, Slovenská republika (Corresponding author. Tel.: Fax.: Email:
    - Yvetta Velísková, Ústav hydrológie SAV, Račianska 75, 831 02 Bratislava, Slovenská republika


Acta Hydrologica Slovaca, Vol. 15, No. TC, 2014, p. 79 - 85, doi:
Scientific Paper, Slovak

Radoslav Schügerl, Yvetta Velísková, Renata Dulovičová: Using of Flow Tracker device for measuring of flow velocity components

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  • In this article the results of velocity profile measurements in a rectangular flume by using the ADV (Acoustic Doppler Velocimetry) method are presented. It has also been measured discharge with this equipment. The measurements are carried out in the Institute of Hydrodynamics AS CR Praha in the flume with rectangular cross section shape. The threedimensional ultrasound probe ADV device (Flow tracker - SonTek/YSI) was used for measurements of velocity profile. The barrier was installed into the laboratory flume, what modified the flow course both in horizontal and vertical direction. First, the undisturbed velocity profile was measured and afterwards profile behind the barrier was measured. The FlowTracker device was tested in „General mode operation“, in which all three velocity vectors in each measured point are recorded.

    KEY WORDS: velocity profile, ADV, rectangular flume shape, flow with free surface, flow rate

    - Radoslav Schügerl, Ústav hydrológie SAV, Račianska 75, 831 02 Bratislava, Slovenská republika (Corresponding author. Tel.:+421 02 49268 259 Fax.: Email:
    - Yvetta Velísková, Ústav hydrológie SAV, Račianska 75, 831 02 Bratislava, Slovenská republika
    - Renata Dulovičová, Ústav hydrológie SAV, Račianska 75, 831 02 Bratislava, Slovenská republika


Acta Hydrologica Slovaca, Vol. 15, No. TC, 2014, p. 86 - 95, doi:
Scientific Paper, Slovak

Petr Dušek, Yvetta Velísková: Hydrogeological conditions at Žitný ostrov channel network area

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  • The paper deals with hydro-geological conditions of Žitný Ostrov area. This area is very important and suitable for research of groundwater and surface water interaction (GW-SW interaction). The paper summarises geographical, geological and hydrologic information about this locality (precipitation, surface water, groundwater). These data are necessary for evaluation of GW-SW interaction and also for creation of numerical models of this area.

    KEY WORDS: hydrogeology, surface water, groundwater, interaction hydrogeology, surface water, groundwater, interaction

    - Petr Dušek, Ústav hydrológie SAV, Račianska 75, 831 02 Bratislava, Slovenská republika (Corresponding author. Tel.:4212 49268259 Fax.: Email:
    - Yvetta Velísková, Ústav hydrológie SAV, Račianska 75, 831 02 Bratislava, Slovenská republika


Acta Hydrologica Slovaca, Vol. 15, No. TC, 2014, p. 96 - 102, doi:
Scientific Paper, Slovak

Yvetta Velísková: Dead zone parameters and their impact on dispersion processes in stream

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  • Numerical simulations of dispersion and pollution spreading in natural stream are often impacted by so called dead zones. This contribution describes one of possible numerical solution of dead zones impact. The dead zones are substituted by little imaginary bed and bank tanks along the stream. Next, the flow is divided into two distinct zones: the main stream, in which advection-diffusion equation could be applied, and well mixed separation zones along the bed and banks. Then, the concentration exchanges between these two zones are simulated. This idea was successfully applied for the twodimensional dispersion model MODI. Some numerical experiments with different parameters were done and compared.

    KEY WORDS: dispersion, numerical modelling, dead zones, surface water, model MODI, pollution transport

    - Yvetta Velísková, Ústav hydrológie SAV, Račianska 75, 831 02 Bratislava, Slovenská republika (Corresponding author. Tel.:+4212 49268255 Fax.: Email:


Acta Hydrologica Slovaca, Vol. 15, No. TC, 2014, p. 103 - 111, doi:
Scientific Paper, Slovak

Renáta Dulovičová: Aggradation changes at Komárňanský channel during period 1993-2013

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  • The aim of this contribution was to find out the actual state of Komárňanský channel silting up, the one from three main channels of channel network at Žitný ostrov area. This article deals with summary of results from the field measurements at Komárňanský channel for period from 1993 through 2004 and 2013. The area of Žitný ostrov is flat land and the velocities in all channels of channel network are very slow. Just now this occurrence of small velocities is considered for main reason of silts aggradation at channel´s bottom. The detailed measurements of Komárňanský channel silts thickness were made in 1993, in 2004 were repeat control measurements in selected cross-sections of this channel and in 2013 were repeat the detailed measurements for check-up of aggradation changes in Komárňanský channel. In Table 1 are specified the changes of silts thickness in 1993, 2004 and 2013. Graphical expression of silting up percentage of cross-sections along Komárňanský channel (Fig 7 and Fig. 8) represents substantially oscillated distribution of silts at this channel. The bed silts along Komárňanský channel increased during monitored period, now the biggest accumulation of silts is in the middle part of channel. When we need to generally characterize the trend of longitudinal silting up at this channel during the observed period, we can say that this trend is ascended with rising stream log.

    KEY WORDS: silting up, silts, channel network, cross-section profile, longitudinal profile, granularity curve

    - Renáta Dulovičová, Ústav hydrológie SAV, Račianska 75, 831 02 Bratislava, Slovenská republika (Corresponding author. Tel.:+4212 49268280 Fax.: Email:


Acta Hydrologica Slovaca, Vol. 15, No. TC, 2014, p. 112 - 123, doi:
Scientific Paper, Slovak

Dagmar Stojkovová: Identification of drought occurrence in groundwater level regime depending on precipitation

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  • The paper deals with the methods of hydrological drought identification and drought severity classification in groundwater level regime dependent predominantly on precipitation on the example of monitoring wells in the Váh river basin. The methods used drought occurrence identification are standardized water level index (SWI), threshold level methods using a (1) constant value of the average long-term 90th percentile, and (2) a variable value of the long-term monthly 80th percentile and the drought severity classification by standardized drought severity index (SDSI) values. Drought occurrence is evaluated in two monitoring wells, in which the course of groundwater levels (groundwater stored in the Quaternary and Neogene sediments with unconfined and confined level, respectively) is monitored.

    KEY WORDS: meteorological drought, hydrological drought, threshold level, drought severity, groundwater level

    - Dagmar Stojkovová, Ústav hydrológie SAV, Račianska 75, 831 02 Bratislava, Slovenská republika (Corresponding author. Tel.: Fax.: Email:


Acta Hydrologica Slovaca, Vol. 15, No. TC, 2014, p. 124 - 136, doi:
Scientific Paper, Slovak

Hana Hlaváčiková, Viliam Novák, Michal Danko, Jozef Hlavčo, Marek Rodný: The influence of natural fine soil retention variability in homogeneous and stony soil on the potential soil bottom boundary outflow

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  • Stony soils are composed of fractions (rock fragments and fine soil) with different hydrophysical characteristics. Although they are abundant in many catchments, their properties are still not well understood. This article presents the methodology of evaluation bulk stony soil hydrophysical characteristics for particular stony soil located in the Jalovecký creek catchment, the Western Tatra Mountains, Slovakia. Since the properties of stony soils are highly variable in their natural conditions, the fine soil water retention variation and its influence on the non-stony soil comparing with the stony soil bottom boundary outflow was studied with the deterministic water movement model. Fine soil retention variation caused the variation of the bottom boundary outflow in the non-stony soil profile with +/–6.7 % during the vegetation period. The stony soil bottom boundary outflow variation as the result of the fine soil natural retention variation and particular stoniness resulted in 3.3−14.8% cumulative bottom boundary outflow increase. The cumulative outflow differences during whole vegetation period are not so high. The differences can be more evident during extreme situations like storm events or droughts because of different water dynamics in stony soil comparing with the non-stony one. During the rainfall period the modeled bottom boundary outflow starts sooner and its maximum is always higher in the stony soil than in the nonstony soil. It is assumed low retention of rock fragments and no surface runoff.

    KEY WORDS: stoniness, soil retention capacity, modeling, outflow formation

    - Hana Hlaváčiková, Ústav hydrológie SAV, Račianska 75, 831 02 Bratislava, Slovenská republika (Corresponding author. Tel.: Fax.: Email:
    - Viliam Novák, Ústav hydrológie SAV, Račianska 75, 831 02 Bratislava, Slovenská republika
    - Michal Danko, Ústav hydrológie SAV, Račianska 75, 831 02 Bratislava, Slovenská republika
    - Jozef Hlavčo, Ústav hydrológie SAV, Račianska 75, 831 02 Bratislava, Slovenská republika
    - Marek Rodný, Ústav hydrológie SAV, Račianska 75, 831 02 Bratislava, Slovenská republika


Acta Hydrologica Slovaca, Vol. 15, No. TC, 2014, p. 137 - 147, doi:
Scientific Paper, Slovak

Peter Šurda, Július Šútor, Justína Vitková, Peter Stradiot: Periods without precipitation on dynamics of soil water supply in soil aeration zone at Zahorska lowland

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  • Water supply in the soil aeration zone in lowland areas is influenced by meteorological effects, vegetation cover and ground water table. Integral impact of them determines the course of supply in the soil aeration zone during the whole vegetation period. The interannual variability of aerial rainfall distribution influences the unevenness for supplying the vegetation cover with water from the soil aeration zone. One of possible parameters for quantification of rainfall distribution in given area or locality is the duration of periods without precipitation (PWP). The presented article analyses the impact of periods without precipitation on water supply dynamics in the soil aeration zone under the conditions of Zahorska Lowland. To do this, there is used the set of data on water supply in the soil aeration zone monitored in the locality Veľké Leváre in the period 1996 - 1999 and in the locality Jakubov in the year 2011 during the vegetation period. Daily precipitation totals calculated from the data obtained from the Slovak Hydrometeorological Institute were used for quantification of PWP. Then there is presented a quantification evaluated in relation to course of daily precipitation totals and average values of water supply in the soil aeration zone in given localities.

    KEY WORDS: dynamics of water supply in soil, periods without precipitation, hydrolimits

    - Peter Šurda, Ústav hydrológie SAV, Račianska 75, 831 02 Bratislava, Slovenská republika (Corresponding author. Tel.: Fax.: Email:
    - Július Šútor, Ústav hydrológie SAV, Račianska 75, 831 02 Bratislava, Slovenská republika
    - Justína Vitková, Ústav hydrológie SAV, Račianska 75, 831 02 Bratislava, Slovenská republika
    - Peter Stradiot, Výskumný ústav vodného hospodárstva, Nábrežie arm. Gen. L. Svobodu 5, 812 49 Bratislava, Slovenská republika


Acta Hydrologica Slovaca, Vol. 15, No. TC, 2014, p. 148 - 155, doi:
Scientific Paper, Slovak

Peter Šurda, Marek Rodný, Justína Vitková, Jana Domanová: Impact of biochar application on saturated hydraulic conductivity of agricultural soil

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  • Adding charcoal (biochar) to soil has a significant effect in carbon sequestration and also considerable agronomic potential that is the primary task to find out how this potentially significant anthropogenic addition of carbon to the soil affect ecosystem functions. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of biochar application on saturated hydraulic conductivity (Ks) of cultivated land on locality Nitra - Malanta during the growing period (GP) of 2014. On experimental area was geodetically set out 15 plots measuring 6x4 m separated by 0.5 m bands. On these 15 areas were conducted experiment variations: control - without adding biochar (Control), B10 variant with the addition of biochar dose 10 t/ha and B20 variant with a dose of biochar 20 t/ha. During the experimental measurements the area was agriculturally used, cultivated crop was spring barley (Hordeum sativum L.). For each field were conducted 7 measurements of Ks in line 1 m from the edge of each plot with even spacing of the individual measurements. For these measurements we used two Guelph permeameters (Guelph mod. 2800K1 from Soilmoisture Corp.), method was single ring with constant head of 2.5 cm. In total 105 measurements were conducted within 34 days from 21.5. to 06.24.2014.

    KEY WORDS: saturated hydraulic conductivity of the soil, biochar, field measurements

    - Peter Šurda, Ústav hydrológie SAV, Račianska 75, 831 02 Bratislava, Slovenská republika (Corresponding author. Tel.: Fax.: Email:
    - Marek Rodný, Ústav hydrológie SAV, Račianska 75, 831 02 Bratislava, Slovenská republika
    - Justína Vitková, Ústav hydrológie SAV, Račianska 75, 831 02 Bratislava, Slovenská republika
    - Jana Domanová, Katedra biometeorológie a hydrológie FZKI SPU, Hospodárska 7, 949 76 Nitra, Slovenská republika


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