Publ. SVH n. 1
Lešková, D. (1997) Selected statistical and probability characteristics of low flow. (ISBN 80-900558-8-5) SHMÚ & SVH, Bratislava, 58 s./p.
National report of the IHP UNESCO project 1.1. FRIEND.
Recenzent - Reviewed by Prof. RNDr. Michal Zatko, CSc. |
Publ. SVH n. 2
Kostka, Z., Holko, L. (1997) Soil moisture and runoff generation in small mountain basin. (ISBN 80-967808-1-6) SVH & ÚH SAV, Bratislava, 90 s./p.
National report 1997 of the IHP UNESCO project 1.1 FRIEND.
Recenzent - Reviewed by RNDr. Olga Majercáková, CSc. |
Publ. SVH n. 3
Hlavčová, K., Szolgay ,J., Čunderlík, J.,Parajka, J., Lapin, M. (1999) Impact of Climate Change on the Hydrological Regime of Rivers in Slovakia. (ISBN 80-227-1296-5) SVH & STU Bratislava, Bratislava, 101 s./p.
Strategies for water management under climate change IHP UNESCO Project 1.4.
Recenzent - Reviewed by RNDr. Olga Majerčáková, CSc. RNDr. Pavol Miklánek, CSc. |
Publ. SVH n. 4
Pekárová, P., Miklánek, P., Koníček, A., Pekár, P. (1999) Water Quality in Experimental Basins. (ISBN 80-967808-8-3) SVH a ÚH SAV, Bratislava, 96 s./p.
NR 1999 of the IHP UNESCO project 1.1. FRIEND and of the project European Reference Basins.
Recenzent - Reviewed by Darcy K Molnar, PhD. prof. Ing. Ján Szolgay, CSc. |
Publ. SVH n. 5
Svoboda, A., Pekárová, P., Miklánek, P. (2000) Flood Hydrology of Danube between Devín and Nagymaros. (ISBN 80-967808-9-1) SVH, ÚH SAV, Bratislava, 96 s./p.
National report 2000 of the IHP UNESCO project 4.1. International Water Systems.
Recenzent - Reviewed by Ing. Michal Makel, CSc. prof. Ing. Ján Szolgay, CSc. |
Publ. SVH n. 6
Solín, Ľ., Cebecauer, T., Grešková, A., Šúri, M. (2000) Small basins of Slovakia and their physical charcteristics. SVH a GÚ SAV, Bratislava, 77 s./p.
National report 2000 of the IHP UNESCO project 1.1 FRIEND.
Recenzent - Reviewed by prof. Ing. Ján Szolgay, CSc. RNDr. Pavol Miklánek, CSc.

Publ. SVH n. 7
Kohnová, S., Szolgay, J., Solín, Ľ., Hlavčová, K. (2006) Regional methods for prediction in ungauged basins - Case Studies. SVH a STU, Bratislava, 134 s./p.
National report 2006 of the IHP UNESCO Focal Area 2.4 Methodologies for integrated river basin management and IAHS Initiative PUB (Predictions in Ungauged Basins).
Recenzent - Reviewed by Ing. Aleš Svoboda, CSc. RNDr. Pavol Miklánek, CSc.

Publ. SVH n. 8
Szolgay, J., Hlavčová, K., Parajka, J., Lapin, M., Kohnová, S., Hlásny, T. (2008) Climate Change Impact on Runoff in the Hron River Basin. (ISBN 978-80-7418-006-4) KEY Publishing, Ostrava, 120 s./p.
National report 2008 of the IHP UNESCO IHP-VI Focal Area 2.4 Methodologies for integrated river basin management and IHP-VII Focal Area 1.2 Climate change impacts on the hydrological cycle and consequent impact on water resources.
Recenzent - Reviewed by RNDr. Pavol Miklánek, CSc., RNDr. Gabriela Babiaková, CSc.

Publ. SVH n. 9
Pekárová, P., Onderka, M., Pekár, J., Miklánek, P., Halmová, D., Škoda, P., Bačová Mitková, V. (2008) Hydrologic Scenarios for the Danube River at Bratislava. (ISBN 978-80-87071-51-9) KEY Publishing, Ostrava, 158 s./p.
National report 2008 of the IHP UNESCO phase VII Focal Area 2.4 Managing water as a shared responsibility across geographical & social boundaries that includes the Regional co-operation of the Danube countries. Particularly it contributes to the project No. 9 Flood regime of rivers in the Danube River basin within the Regional co-operation of the Danube countries.
Recenzent - Reviewed by Prof. Dr. Ognjen Bonacci, Ing. Aleš Svoboda, CSc.
Publ. SVH n. 10
Kohnová, S., Hlavčová, K., Szolgay, J., Horvát, O. (2012) Scenario Based Modeling of Hydrological Change: Case Studies in Slovak Basins. (ISBN 978-80-7418-169-6) KEY Publishing, Ostrava, 89 s./p.
National report 2012 of the IHP UNESCO phase VII Focal Area 1.2 Climate change impacts on the hydrological cycle and consequent impact on water resources and phase VII Focal Area 2.4 Managing water as a shared responsibility across geographical & social boundaries.
Recenzent - Reviewed by RNDr. Pavol Miklánek, CSc., RNDr. Gabriela Babiaková, CSc.
Publ. SVH n. 11
Szolgay, J., Danáčová, M., Šúrek, P. (2012) Multilinear Flow Routing Using Travel-Time Discharge Relationships. (ISBN 978-80-7418-172-6) KEY Publishing, Ostrava, 94 s./p.
National report 2012 of the UNESCO “IHP-VII FA 1.3 - Hydrohazards, hydrological extremes and water-related disasters”.
Recenzent - Reviewed by RNDr. Pavla Pekárová, DrSc., Ing. Danica Lešková, CSc.
Publ. SVH n. 12
Pekárová, P., Miklánek, P., Melo, M., Halmová, D., Pekár, J., Bačová Mitková, V. (2014) Flood Marks along the Danube River between Passau and Bratislava. (ISBN 978-80-224-1408-1) VEDA Publishing House, Bratislava, 103 s./p.
National report 2014 of the IHP UNESCO phase VIII Focal Area 1.5 - Improve scientific basis for hydrology and water sciences for preparation and response to extreme hydrological events, and to the Regional co-operation of the Danube countries in the framework of IHP UNESCO. Particularly it contributes to the project No. 9 Flood regime of rivers in the Danube River basin within the Regional co-operation of the Danube countries.
Recenzent - Reviewed by Doc. Ing. Silvia Kohnová, PhD., RNDr. Gabriela Babiaková, CSc.
Publ. SVH n. 13
Szolgay, J., Hlavčová, K., Kohnová, S. (2018) Flood Generation Processes and Interactions of Flooding, Soils and Landuse. A Review of Methods and Problems. (ISBN 978-80-7418-304-1) KEY Publishing, Ostrava, 84 s./p.
National report 2018 of the IHP UNESCO phase VIII Focal Area 1.5 - Improve scientific basis for hydrology and water sciences for preparation and response to extreme hydrological events, and to the Regional co-operation of the Danube countries in the framework of IHP UNESCO. Particularly it contributes to the project No. 9 Flood regime of rivers in the Danube River basin within the Regional co-operation of the Danube countries.
Recenzent - Reviewed by RNDr. Gabriela Babiaková, CSc., RNDr. Pavol Miklánek, CSc.